How can you use Grabovoi's number series to harmonise your life?

In this article

In his innovative teachings, Grigori Grabovoi presents number series as powerful tools for transforming and harmonising our reality. These sequences of numbers are not simply random combinations: they carry a precise vibratory frequency, designed to resonate with the deep structures of the universe and of human consciousness.

But how do you use them in practice, and in what frame of mind?

What is a numerical series according to Grabovoi?

In Grigori Grabovoi's teaching, a numerical series is much more than a succession of numbers. It acts as a vibratory code that targets a specific aspect of reality It can be used to unblock, harmonise, solve a problem or achieve a goal. Each number emits a particular frequency that, when activated by human consciousness, can restructure unbalanced events or energies.

For example, a series such as 418 718419 412 is associated with increasing one's knowledge, while another may target goals such as success or harmony in relationships. These series are used to guide consciousness towards precise alignment with these results. Numbers are not mere abstractions: they are precise instruments of interaction. Each of them acts like a door, a wave that vibrates and attunes itself to the fundamental structures of reality.

Grigori Grabovoi's concentration techniques have clearly proved their worth: over the last 25 years, thousands of people have testified to concrete changes and undeniable achievements in their lives. These are intriguing practices, which have endured thanks to the will of convinced people all over the world, and would long since have been forgotten if their benefits had not been recognised. They are of growing interest to a wide range of people, including scientists: we have only recently begun to explore the fields of consciousness, and it is thanks to previously marginalised and daring scientific research that they are beginning to make a name for themselves.

Grigori Grabovoi's programme must be understood as an educational programme: what he has to say is a complete transformation of our relationship with the world and realityBut it's also a discipline in which you can only make progress byby going through each stage of this step-by-step teaching process.

One of the most frequently asked questions to be considered with full awareness is the care of one's own body or that of others, animals, nature, etc. Insofar as each person develops their abilities according to the personal evolution of their consciousness and at different ratesIn any case, it is always advisable to use the digital series with full responsibility. Under no circumstances should you put your health or that of others at risk. Listen to your doctor if you have any serious pathologies. Grigori Grabovoï's methods are provided for educational purposes and do not constitute medical advice.

Use numerical series in support and synergy, adopt an empirical method to verify your results, take determined steps forward, but always be aware at all levels that life is in constant motion.

Effectiveness depends entirely on the individual's approach and level of awareness. Some of us will achieve our goals with one method rather than another, but the diversity of approaches offered by the ecosystem of users and teachers of this discipline is the result of people having explored and tested new paths. Just like practising a sport, a musical instrument, a craft tool, a recipe or a diet for your body, nothing can be achieved without achieve expertise through training and hard work, by constantly checking what works for us, by our choices and by being clear about our actionseven less a discipline as vast, measurable only over time after the objectives have been achieved, as that of the emancipation of creative consciousness.

We strongly recommend that you read all 7 volumes "Control practice. The way to salvation". to fully understand the potential of Grigori Grabovoi's teaching programme.

Practicalities: how do you use numerical series?

The use of numerical series is based on simple but powerful principles.

Here are the key steps to making them part of your daily routine:

1. Choose a clear intention

Identify the goal or situation you want to change. This could be your health, your relationships, your career or even global problems. The clearer your intention, the more powerful the effect.

This process is not so simple. Uncovering your desire, your goals, what you want to achieve, requires you to go through a process to clarify what you want. During this phase, you can use the Digital Series to reflect and find your real goals.

2. Find the appropriate numerical series

Use our search engine to find the right series for you.

If you're looking for a specific digital series, such as faith, you'll easily find it. However, if a specific sequence, such as that relating to tinnitus, does not appear directly, you should know that we have already integrated sequences associated with this issue into the search engine and that we will continue to add to this information.

Feel free to explore for yourself and try out different approaches, without being limited by the absence of an exact name.

3. Recite or view the series
  • Recited aloud: Say each number slowly and distinctly, concentrating on the associated intention. For example: "Five... One... Nine... Three... One... Seven... Eight... Four... Nine..."
  • Visualised mentally: Imagine each number as if it were engraved in your mind. You can see them as written on a light board or projected into the space in front of you.

"This approach is just one of many, because in practice there are a multitude of ways of doing things. (...) I draw your attention to the fact that the effectiveness of your concentrations will depend largely on the way in which you approach them. Surrender yourself to this creative process. Listen to your inner voice, which will guide you in putting these concentrations into practice. "
- Grigori Grabovoï - Methods of Concentration, 2001

4. Concentration and state of mind

During practice, cultivate a state of calm and serenity. Release your doubts and fears, and replace them with a deep-seated confidence in your ability to influence reality. Your emotional state acts as an amplifier for the effectiveness of the series.

5. Repetition and regularity

Like any discipline, like meditation, like the acquisition of a particular skill, regular concentration practice is essential. Devote a few minutes each day to reciting or visualising your series.

"Human consciousness, which is a form of reaction to any object, is seen as an element of the world, in which all elements are interconnected. The transformation of human consciousness brings about a transformation of all the elements of the world."
Grigori Grabovoi

Emotional state: an essential dimension

Grabovoi insists on the importance of the emotional state in the effectiveness of the practice.

Here are some key points:

Why do these practices work?

Numerical series are based on the idea that each number emits a specific vibratory frequency, and that human consciousness can interact with these vibrations to realign reality.

This approach is based on proven principles:

Where do these digital series come from?
How did Grabovoi discover them?

Grigori Grabovoi developed numerical series in the course of his in-depth research into the informational structures of the universe. According to his teachings, each number gives off a precise vibratory frequency that can be used to harmonise specific aspects of reality.

We could identify a creation of reality through these series of numbers, because this would correspond to the application of what Grigori Grabovoï teaches, namely to clarify an objective and make it a reality, until these series of numbers become the means, a natural language between man and the universe. That's one interpretation, of course, but it's very probably what prompted the discovery of these digital series: they are the best way of connecting to the field of information, they are universal and accessible to all. 

By methodically combining these figures, Grabovoï identified suites capable of correcting imbalances and realigning energies. These series are designed to act as vibratory codes, enabling us to interact consciously with universal information fields and create a more harmonious reality. Grigori Grabovoï advanced his research with profound conviction: Everything in the universe is based on precise structures, invisible patterns of information that shape reality. Numbers, when expressed verbally or in thought, cause vibrations, frequencies that interact with the elements of the concrete or abstract world, capable of influencing events and harmonising the vibratory states of reality that we perceive.

Exploring these structures requires total immersion, and let's not forget that Grabovoï approaches them first and foremost through science. Science provides the keys. Mathematics, the physics of information, everything seems to indicate that reality follows codified patterns, constant rhythms that underpin existence. Every phenomenon obeys precise laws that we simply have to decode. But this rational approach reveals only part of what may have been his approach.

Then comes another, more subtle form of exploration, where consciousness becomes the main tool and creation becomes reality. By plunging into states of deep concentration, another dimension is revealed. There, the numbers come to life, appearing as pulsations, frequencies resonating with the original harmony of the universe. These sequences, perceived at first as mere impressions, gradually reveal themselves in the form of precise sequences, aligned with fields of information that are invisible but nonetheless very present.

A surprising correlation can be observed: every problem, every event, every state of being seems to vibrate at a unique frequency. Adjusting this frequency through enunciation and concentration on a numerical series becomes a way of realigning reality.

Just as a musician, in search of the perfect melody, refines note after note to achieve harmony, Grabovoï has reached a vibratory and conscious level that enables him to feel each number in its proper place. Is it then the universe that inspires these codes? Or is it his clairvoyance that enables him to define them as a simple and effective mode of access? This is not clearly stated, but we can deduce that a communication has indeed been established with the universe, if we can simplify things in this way. Originally, we had to create the signs that refer to musical notes in order to write a score, didn't we? This is the Italian Benedictine monk Guido d'Arezzowho, in the 11th century, was at its origin. Seeking to make it easier for the young monks he was training to learn to sing, he invented "solmisation", the forerunner of modern music theory.

For Grigori Grabovoï, the study of quantum physics is a key stage in his approach to digital series as a means of accessing information. By exploring the interactions between consciousness and matter, he seeks to understand how our high-vibrational concentration can influence reality. The discovery of the series is based on both intuitive principles and rigorous experiments in which focused intention has produced measurable effects.

Gradually, by applying concepts such as entanglement and quantum superposition, Grabovoi developed a methodology for accessing the hidden structures of reality. Following on from a number of studies on the human biosignal, he knows that thought, when precisely directed, generates waves that resonate with subtle fields of information. It is this awareness that leads him to explore specific frequencies, and it is in this quest that the digital series emerge, as vibratory signatures in perfect harmony with certain normative states of the universe.

This process is not limited to a scientific approach, as Grigori Grabovoï can also draw on his heightened powers of perception, gradually refining his ability to capture subtle information that eludes conventional methods. The revelation of numerical series is the result of a deep immersion in altered states of consciousness, where each number, each sequence appears as a vibration directly linked to specific points of reality.

This work of exploration has been accompanied by experiments in which he has been able to test this mode of vibratory connection through the use of numerical series on events and situations, on disaster prevention for example. By repeating, focusing and observing the results, he has been able to refine these harmonies, confirm their effectiveness and develop them further. extract universal principles applicable to all.

So the discovery of digital series seems to be the result of a gradual process: a combination of science and intuition, rigorous exploration, subtle capture of the world's frequencies and the writing of universal codes.

Grigori Grabovoï did not explicitly reveal all the stages of this journey, leaving it to each individual to experience and understand the depth of this approach for themselves. Nothing in his teaching is delivered immediately; it is all part of a process of learning. a process of maturing consciousnesswhich he himself has reached.

Researchers have only just begun to look at neuroscience and quantum entanglements.

We need to explore and experiment without restraint, because we still have a lot to discover about ourselves and the world.

How do I know which word to search for to obtain the digital series I need?

To choose the right digital series, it's essential to clearly define your intention. Identify the area or aspect of your life that you want to transform: health, relationships, career or personal fulfilment. For example, for ecology, keywords such as "The Earth" or "Energy" will guide your search. For professional goals, use terms like "Success" or "Opportunities".

The GRABOVOI NUMBERS search engine allows you to explore these digital series and find those that resonate directly with your needs and intentions. Grigori Grabovoi has given us over 22,000 to date. We currently have 8,400 sourced and will be increasing this number throughout the year. However, some words or themes do not appear in the catalogue of access to information that Grigori Grabovoi provides, and this may seem frustrating at first. But it's all part of the exercise and part of understanding what you're trying to achieve.

Understanding the fundamentals and practices is not an exercise in mere skill. The process itself involves a profound transformation, both inner and outer, as your view of the world changes. The implicit promise is an increase in your potential, and the concrete repercussions are the fruit of an alignment, of a path towards your multidimensional and amplified being.

Once you have selected the keyword, use the series you have found to focus your awareness and activate the harmonising effects.

An invitation to transform your reality...

By practising concentration with digital series, you're not just analysing and observing your reality: you're becoming an active player in its transformation. These simple, accessible tools enable you to regain control over aspects you thought were unchangeable.

So why not start today?

Explore our search engine, find the series that resonates with your goals, and discover for yourself how these practices can harmonise your life.

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